Water Softener

Water Softener

The Softener contains a bed of ion exchange material through which hard water passes, and in the process it exchanges sodium ions for the hardness (Calcium & Magnesium ion present in water). All the hardness salts in the water are thus converted to their equivalent sodium salts which have no scale forming properties. This softening, process continues till the ion exchange material has no more sodium ions available for exchange. The material is then “regenerated” with sodium chloride(common salt) to replenish the sodium ions. This cycle of alternate softening & regeneration can be repeated continuously. This Counter Current Regeneration (CCR) ensures a consistently low residual hardness in treated water.


  • Cleaner and shinier, glassware, mirrors, tiles, cars, or any plumbing fixtures.
  • Softer skin and clean, smooth hair.
  • Softer clothes without hard minerals trapped in the fabric. Fabrics last longer and whites stay whiter without the dingy gray caused by hard water.
  • Preserves the life of all water appliances such as coffee machines, ice makers, dishwashers, water heaters and laundry equipment.
  • Save money on monthly energy costs and damages to appliances.
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